长沙必吃小吃榜第一名?本地人怒推的小吃店 这叫一个地道!

长沙社区通2023-07-23  69

导读:提起长沙,臭豆腐、糖油粑粑这个王炸组合绝对吸睛,今天让我们来到坐落在麓山南路鼎鼎有名的小吃街打卡。When you comes to Changsha, the combination of stinky tofu and sugar-oi…


When you comes to Changsha, the combination of stinky tofu and sugar-oil rice cake is absolutely eye-catching. Today, let's visit the famous snack street located in South Lu Shan Road.

Today, let's visit the famous snack street located in South Lu Shan Road.


There was a line forming outside a stinky tofu shop. The clerk will fry the marinated tofu in a frying pan for a few minutes, and then just wait for a few minutes to pull it out of the pan. Then it is served with a few pieces of pickled radish, which also looks too delicious!


Apparently, unlike the usual Changsha stinky tofu for which it is known, this one is white. Dipping the tofu into the special seasoning, the crispy shell and the tender tofu complement each other so well that you can't stop taking one bite after another!


We keep walking and we came across another long queue. The grandmother is seen patiently kneading and making glutinous rice balls, which the shopkeepers will fry in a pan.


The glutinous rice ball quickly expanded in the heat and looked too cute. Actually, it such a fun texture. It's super fluffy, just like a burst of flavors,and it was so refreshing and super juicy.


It's so chill to walk around and finish the last bite at the same time. Bye, see you in the next issue!



本文地址: https://life0731.com/read-319630.html

